One of the most important cadre services in Bangladesh is the education cadre. Those who like teaching, those who want vacations, those who want to spend some time on their own; Their first choice is education cadre. Moreover, many female students also have the first choice of education cadre. In this blog we will discuss about BCS education cadre subject list in Bangladesh step by step.
Subject list of BCS education cadre
Many subjects are offered in different public and private universities of Bangladesh. Some of them have educational cadre facilities but many subjects do not have educational cadre facilities. So today’s article is about an important topic. This important point is about which subjects have education cadre or about the subjects of education cadre. In the section below we will discuss with all of education group about BCS Education Cadre Subject List in Bangladesh.
Subjects of Humanities Department Having Education Cadre
- Bangla
- English
- History and Culture of Islam
- philosophy
- history
- Islamic Education or Islamic Studies
- Library Science
- Arabic
- music
- culture
- Buddhist Studies
It should be noted that the vacancies in Arabic, Islamic Studies and Library Science subjects are very few, hence very few candidates are recruited as teaching cadre every year.
And the number of vacancies in music, Pali, Sanskrit subjects is almost zero. It takes many years to create vacancies in these subjects, so after a few years recruitments are made from these subjects as teaching cadre.
Science Faculty Subjects having Education Cadre:
- zoology
- Botany
- chemistry
- physics
- mathematics
- geography
- Soil Science
- Agronomy
- Statistics
- psychology
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
It should be noted that the number of vacancies in psychology is generally less, hence fewer candidates from psychology are recruited as teaching cadre every year.
Both Computer Science and Engineering and Electrical and Electronic Engineering are accepted as qualifications for BCS Lecturer (Information and Communication Technology).
Sociology Faculty Subjects with Education Cadre:
- political science
- the economy
- social welfare
- Sociology
Business Education Faculty Subjects having Education Cadre:
- Accounting
- Marketing
- management or management
- Management Information Systems
- Finance
- Banking and Insurance
- Marketing
Other Faculty Subjects having Teaching Cadre:
- Domestic economy
- Arts and Crafts
- Education or IER
It should be noted that the subjects covered by the Faculty of Arts and Crafts are: Painting and Illustration, Graphic Design, Printmaking, Oriental Art, Pottery, Sculpture, Crafts and Art History etc. Any one of these 8 subjects can be appointed as Lecturer (Arts and Crafts).
Teaching cadre exists in all the above subjects. Later, if more subjects are added to the education cadre, which subjects have education cadre; Added to this article.
Conclusion: Thanks for your valuable time staying with us. We hope that by reading this article you have understand about BCS Education Cadre Subject List in Bangladesh as well. If you have any question then feel free to ask below by comment section.